Educational Programs
Rainbow Education and Care
Rainbow Education Care is a long day care program providing education and care to children from babies to five year olds prior to school. It is fully approved as a service under National Regulations providing preschool education and a transition to school program for children in the year prior to starting school. It has been rated as meeting all aspects of the National Quality Standards.
Some families are uncertain about whether four year olds need to go to a preschool in the year prior to starting school. However all child care centres such as Rainbow provide a preschool education, in the same way that preschools do. We both have the same fully qualified teachers , educational learning experiences and educational records of children’s development.

Come and See Our Program in Action
If you are considering enrolling at our service come to the centre with your child to observe the program and talk with staff. The best times are between 10.30am-4.30pm, although earlier or later visits are OK if that suits you better. Please call us on 02 6686 6621 to arrange a time to visit. If you feel comfortable after observing the program, then we can discuss your needs and whether we will be able to help you. Our educational program has a number of features that make it different to many other children’s services:
- Play based learning. We believe that learning in young children is a dynamic play based process. Children learn by doing hands on experiences in their own time and doing them as often as they wish to develop mastery and understanding. The more the child is interested in their experiences – the more they learn. A broad range of play experiences supported by staff skilled in expanding and supporting the play, is sufficient to allow children to learn all they need in their first five years.
- Supporting child choices To ensure the learning experiences are interesting to each child, the educational program is based on child choice. We know that children learn best when doing things they like to do. Therefore rather than our staff deciding in advance what learning activities will be set out for children each day, we allow the children to decide and each child can ask for the learning experience they want to do. This approach supports children’s self confidence and capacity to make appropriate choices.
- Mixed age grouping The educational program is also based on mixed age grouping of children.In mixed age grouping, children across a range of ages interact and play together throughout the day, especially during routines such as lunch and arrival and departure. There are also times when particular learning experiences are provided just for one age group of children. Children learn to be confident, to assist and support other children and adults and to follow the lead of other children and adults as and when appropriate.
- Child focused meals and routines Meals and routines follow the same pattern of child choice. Morning tea, lunch, rest time are available to children over an extended period. A child may want to eat lunch at 11.30am when it is first available or may choose to wait till 12.45pm, because they are busy doing something else. This process gives each child some chance to have meaningful control over part of their day and helps them to learn to make choices and to accept the outcome of their choices.
- Natural Challenging Playground The Rainbow centre has a large natural playground featuring plants, trees, sand, shade, grass, dirt, bushes, soft and hard surfaces and is a wonderful play environment. We use the outdoors as a vital part of our learning environment and stress the natural environment and sustainability in our programs.
- Varied Staff Team Our staff include a broad range of people, – of different age, gender, cultural backgrounds and disposition. Children can make choices about which staff person they wish to work and play with and who they feel most comfortable being around. This helps each child to feel comfortable from day to day – although of course over time most children learn to feel at ease with all our team members.
Our play based, child focused program, reflects children’s interests and enthusiasm for learning
Our Educational Programs
Rainbow Education Care is a long day care program providing education and care to children from babies to five year olds prior to school.

Possum (Birth - 3 Years)
Work in partnerships with families and their child to create a safe and nurturing environment…

Pippi (2 - 4 Years)
Focus on supporting toddlers and preschoolers to follow their emerging ideas and interests through…

Kookaburra (3 - 5 Years)
The Kookaburra room educators provide a child centered and inclusive Preschool Program.

Before and After
School Care

Out of School Hours Care
Rainbow Out of School Hours Care (OOSHC) services are a home-away-from-home for your child – a place to have fun, be active and explore their potential. Our child-focused, stimulating activities reflect kids’ interests. Nutritious snacks provided (for before and after school care) to fuel for learning and playing with friends. Fun based excursions and projects are provided during vacation care. Our staff maintain a safe, nurturing environment, and with our qualified and experienced team members we can ensure each child will enjoy their time with us, make new friends and benefit from the learning experiences.
4 Handy Locations in Ballina
- East Ballina OOSHC – at Southern Cross K-12 School, Chickiba Drive East Ballina.
- Central Ballina OOSHC – at Ballina Public School, Martin St Ballina.
- Lennox Head OOSHC – at Lennox Public School Byron St Lennox Head.
- Teven Tintenbar OOSHC – at Teven Tintenbar Public School Fredericks Lane Tintenbar
Make a Reservation Now!
02 6686 6621
Here’s what parents are saying.
Parents Comments
“My daughter has attended Rainbow for the past two years. The staff are amazing. They have supported her development and are super friendly. I would highly recommend Rainbow.”
Natalie Sinclair
“We have been sending our two children to Rainbow for five years and are so grateful for the outstanding level of care that they have received in this time. The staff at Rainbow are supremely dedicated, nurturing and generous with their time. Our children adore their teachers and look forward to seeing them every day. The staff make an effort to get to know every child personally and foster strong relationships. They have also helped our children develop and extend their skills in a range of different areas. We are lucky to be part of the Rainbow family!“