(2 – 4 years)
The Pippi room educators
Focus on supporting toddlers and preschoolers to follow their emerging ideas and interests through play. We provide many open ended, exploratory and sensory resources and experiences that encourage children to use their imaginations, experiment, and use trial and error to discover how things work.
Learning for this age group is closely linked to their developing sense of autonomy and emphasises self help and social skills. This includes taking care of their bodies and belongings, making and keeping friends, communicating their needs, sharing information and using communication and the joy of shared play moments to establish relationships with educators and peers.

The Pelican Preschool Group extends on early literacy, numeracy and creative experiences through play based learning. Children begin the group with an acknowledgement to country, greet one another as they sing the Jingi Walah song and share ideas and suggestions for learning within the group.
Our Education and Care Program
We believe the care of children at the centre is a partnership between the family and the centre. Staff acknowledge that families entrust to the centre the care and education of their children and we take that responsibility very seriously. We embrace each child in a holistic way – seeing the child as a whole person with a character, background, family and culture.
We recognise that learning is a play based concept for young children and best occurs when children are able to play in ways they choose and follow the ideas and play experiences that are of interest to them. Our program fosters a sense of curiosity, exploration and questioning by children of the world around them and empowers them to recognise themselves as competent learners and teachers in their own right.
Our learning environment is formed around a child interest and need focus, we believe that child initiated learning ensures the learning process for each child is relevant, effective and interesting. Further we believe that child choice is important, our program features extended periods of free choice time encouraging and allowing children opportunities to build social relationships and interact with peers. We also provide opportunities for children to participate in focused and intentional learning opportunities, these are facilitated by educators through their knowledge of each child, and relationships and connections with children and their families.
Our program is founded on the principles of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) – Belonging, Being and Becoming.
The EYLF guides all early childhood programs and educators in providing an approved framework for children to develop a sense of who they are and their place of belonging within the context of family and community. The EYLF acknowledges that young children are people in their own right and celebrates their current capabilities, knowledge, and acceptance of themselves and who they are at this point in time. The EYLF also recognises the potential of children and the influence of quality early childhood programs, interactions with responsive caregivers and opportunities to be competent co constructers of learning, on who they will become in the future.
Bookings and Enrolments
For all bookings and enrolments please visit our resources page where you will find all the required forms to fill out online.
Here’s what parents are saying.
Parents Comments
“I’ve seen such a positive change in my son since starting at Rainbow, he has become more independent and confident within himself. The educators provide a nurturing environment for him which allows him to have a strong sense of belonging & wellbeing.“
Brooke & Isaac
“We are really happy with the care our children receive at Rainbow. The centre is breastfeeding friendly, they cook delicious healthy food, have mixed age groupings so children can play and learn from peers, the outdoor area is huge and our children love the nature-based play. The Director, educators and staff are friendly, open to feedback and happily work with families and the community to provide high quality care.“